Lindi van Heerden

Dec 17, 20205 min

10 Ways to 'maximise' profit from the audience you already have.

Since moving to the Netherlands I have been taking a lot more walks in the forest. We got a dog about a year ago and this has helped me force myself out the house getting my butt into nature more often.

The Dutch have quite a few quirks. One of them is, they love fruit trees.

They even have a “pluktuin” which translates to “pick garden”. In other words, a forest full of trees which carry editable you can pick on your route.

I have seen ample apple trees, pears, walnuts and the list goes on. My daughter asked me if I can pick her an apple for her to eat on her way home. My first instinct was to look for one that looks ripe, healthy and close to me. I did not immediate look at the highest most shinny ones. No I looked for a good looking, close option.

“The low hanging fruit”

When I started to write this, I realised that when we apply this to business, we tend to go for the shinny objects. We want to get the best, most amazing clients and customers instead of focusing on the people right in front of us.

We tent to look at the 'ideal' not the 'viable'. The best way to grow your business and maximise your profits is not to break into new markets, expand to new countries and add 10 more products. No, sometimes, your best move can be to focus on your current target market and ask yourself how can I serve the low hanging fruit. Ask yourself “How can I help the people around me.” And if you are already doing that, then the next question should be, “How can I help them EVEN MORE

“Our jobs as marketers are to understand how the customer wants to buy and help them to do so.” – Bryan Eisenberg

Here are 10 things that you can do today, right now, even on a shoestring budget, to reach more customers without breaking the bank.

1.Use social media (if you are, how can you increase it?)

Look at your curated content. Do you have any? If not, starting planning content that you can schedule. This is called evergreen content. It can be posted anytime. If you are already doing this, how about looking at your 'in the moment' content? Look at increasing more informal content. Something like behind the scenes.

2.Create video tutorials

Look at stuff you are already doing. How do you help or serve customers already. Video tutorials are easy and can give step by step actions that people can take to solve or fix a problem. 73% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase after watching 'How To' videos explaining a product or service. 73%, that is huge! Your customers could be part of that stat. (source)

3.Start blogging now!!

Look at your current audience and make a list of question they ask you on a day to day basis. Look out for words like “How did you do that?” “How can I do that?” with that you can create topics and create a blog that will answer your audiences questions, providing them value.

4.Understand search engine

I've said this over and over in countless blogs, because it is that important! You need to know who your audience is. You need to know the people you want to attract. You need to know what they are searching for right now, because that will give you an opportunity to hop on that train and create content to be in line with what your current audience is looking for.

5.Leverage influencers

According to new study by, influencer marketing is said to deliver 6x times better return on investment. That is huge. If you are only starting out, look for micro influencers (5-10k followers), utilise their already built up follower base to get your name out there. This has become ever so popular for businesses to do. But also keep in mind that instagram isn't the only platform this can work on. Once you get the hang of it, branch out to other platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat, and YouTube.

6.Build a great lead magnet

If you don’t have one, now is the time girl! Choose something that you know your customers would really want or need help with. If this is your first, don’t overthink it. It should take you about an hour and no longer to create.

Don’t go for E-Books, that's for later. Start small maybe a quiz, checklist or something that will give your audience a quick win.

7.Use Facebook ads with re-targeting

Attracting new customers can be really difficult and a long, pricy process. Start with retargeting people that have already visited your site, "added to cart" or already like you page!

8.Use LinkedIn the right way

This platform is amazing. You will be judged on the value you give, not only the pretty picture (like Instagram). Give value and try and make actual connections. Speak to people and help them. Add value without being sleazy!

9.Create an affiliate program

How about getting other people to sell for you? Amazing right! Give them a percentage markup on everything they sell and you get more clients and they make money. It's a win win! Just make sure that the people you chose to work with needs to be inline with your clients and your business brand.

10. Use Email Marketing Sequences

Email marketing is still the best way to communicate with your people without being sleazy. But remember do not spam them! Give people more value and inside info. People are always willing to pay more for getting that added bonus. But most of all, build a relationship. This is an amazing platform to do just that.

Ps. My best tip for email marketing, is to talk to the person, not the masses. Get personal! Speak in a way that they will listen and resonate with what you are saying. The best way to do that is to connect with the person, their fears, hopes and their dreams.

You might see that during all my content I have one golden thread. Do not do sleazy marketing. Talk to people, engage with them and learn from them. Serve them! Engaged customers make 90% more frequent purchases. This means that you actually take the time to listen and speak to the person not the masses, this will enable you to give them what they want and need, not only what you are selling. (source)

Ps. Was this helpful? Comment and let me know your thoughts and if you have any questions message me, I would love to answer them for you.

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